Pool Service Apps
- Pool Acid Dose Calculator
- Pool Chem Dose Calculator
- NPC LSI Calculator
- Pool Borates Calculator

Approved by the National Plaster Council, IPSSA, and other big names in pool chemistry!
The pH – Alkalinity Adjustment Tool is an incredibly accurate tool for adjusting pH and total alkalinity up or down in swimming pools. In the past, you had four choices for making adjustments to pH and alkalinity:
None of these methods are acceptable or accurate and they require waiting and retesting.
Now with the pH – Alkalinity Adjustment Tool, you input the pool volume and water conditions and it calculates the exact amount of chemicals to add to reach either a Target Alkalinity (and it provides you with a new pH) or to reach a Target pH (and it provides a new Alkalinity). We call this pH Priority and Alkalinity Priority.
You enter Pool Volume and levels for CYA, Borate, Calcium Hardness, Salt or TDS, and Temperature on Screen 1. Then on Screen 2, you enter Current pH and Current Alk in the yellow cells near the top and then enter Target pH in the yellow cell in the red pH Priority Section and Target Alkalinity in the yellow cell in the green Alkalinity Priority section. You instantly see the chemical amounts needed for obtaining either pH Priority (red section) or Alkalinity Priority (green section).
Looking at the middle screenshot above, red section (pH Priority), you will see the Current pH is 8.0 and the Current Alk is 130 ppm with a Target pH of 7.5 and a Target Alk of 90 ppm. The Dose Amount for pH Priority is 38.31 fl oz or 0.24 gals of muriatic acid. Adding this dose will make the Target pH 7.5 and the New Alk 122 ppm.
Looking at the middle screenshot above, green section (Alkalinity Priority) you will see the Dose Amount for Alkalinity Priority is 153.88 fl oz or 1.20 gals of muriatic acid and adding this dose will make the Target Total Alkalinity 90 ppm and the New pH 6.71.
There is also a note below the green section stating that when alkalinity is on Target and pH is < 7.5, aerate and cause turbulence to only raise pH. By doing this you can get pH 7.5 and Alkalinity of 90 ppm.
Looking at the right screenshot above, red section (pH Priority), you will see the Current pH is 7.20 and the Current Alk is 60 ppm with a Target pH of 7.5 and a Target Alk of 90 ppm. The Dose Amount for pH Priority is 21.24 oz or 1.33 lbs of soda ash. Adding this dose will make the Target pH 7.5 and the New Alk 70 ppm.
Looking at the right screenshot above, green section (Alkalinity Priority) you will see the Dose Amount for Alkalinity Priority is 16.97 oz or 1.06 lbs of soda ash and 73.96 oz or 4.62 lbs of sodium bicarbonate and adding both of these chemical doses will make the Target Total Alkalinity 90 ppm and the New pH 7.32.
There is also a note below the green section stating that when alkalinity is on Target and pH is < 7.5, aerate and cause turbulence to only raise pH.
So, you can choose whichever Priority you want – pH or alkalinity. You can also change Targets to see what it will do. The Conditions on Screen 1 can be changed also to see what effect they will have on pH and alkalinity. Changing any condition on screen 1 will change dose amounts and New pH and New Alk on screen 2.
Changing Target pH will change the chemical dose amounts and the New Alk.
Changing Target Alk will change the chemical dose amounts and the New pH.
The pH – Alkalinity Adjustment Tool is an accurate and easy way to know what chemicals are needed to achieve perfect water balance. You can decide what Targets you want for pH and alkalinity and it will calculate everything for you. No more guessing and testing to see what changed. No more under or over-dosing. Save money by knowing the exact doses of chemicals and what they will do to pH and alkalinity.
The pH – Alkalinity Adjustment Tool is different from the Pool Acid Dose Calculator because the Pool Acid Dose Calculator only works for lowering pH and alkalinity and only from Current pH 7.6 to 8.2, Current Alkalinity from 70 to 220 ppm with a Desired pH from 6.0 to 8.1 and CYA of 0, 30, 50 or 100 ppm and Borate of 0, 30 and 50 pm. It also has 0.1 limits for all conditions.
The pH – Alkalinity Adjustment Tool works for any current or starting pH and alkalinity, any CYA, any borate, any calcium hardness, any TDS, any temperature with any Target pH or alkalinity, and it works for raising or lowering both with an accuracy of 0.01. It is also much more accurate than the Pool Acid Dose Calculator because it uses all sources of hydrogen ion (H+) in the water.
There is no other tool like this available for the pool and spa industry.
The NPC LSI Calc is the newest, most advanced and most accurate pool calculator for determining the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) for swimming pool and spa water.
It was developed by noted pool and spa water chemistry expert and author, Robert W. Lowry. It is the only LSI calculator that currently has exact adjustments for cyanuric acid and borate.
The LSI is used to predict if pool or spa water is corrosive, balanced or scaling. The NPC LSI Calc uses the original mathematical equations which use logarithms, square roots, and interpolated constants for calculations. We do not use inaccurate lookup tables and factors. The actual water test results are used for calculations.
The NPC LSI Calc is easy to use, you input the customer or pool name and then the water test results for pH, Total Alkalinity (TA), Cyanuric Acid (CYA) Borate (B) Calcium Hardness (CH), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and the water Temperature (T) in degrees Fahrenheit. The LSI with adjustments is automatically calculated and displayed. The background color of the LSI value changes from green to amber to red depending on whether the water is Corrosive, Acceptable, Ideal, or Scaling. This gives a visual or at a glance notice of the water’s condition.
The original LSI was never intended for predicting corrosive, balanced or scaling water conditions for pools or spas. In fact, it was developed in 1936 which was many years before the development of Cyanuric Acid (CYA) which became popular around 1960 and remains so. The very popular trichlor chlorine tablets actually contain 56 % CYA and so as chlorine is dispensed, the CYA builds up in the water. CYA has a direct influence on Total Alkalinity (TA) so an adjustment had to be made to the original LSI calculation.
Another family of chemicals that have become popular recently as a pH buffer and algaestat in swimming pool and spa water are borates. Borates also have an influence of TA. Using borates in pool or spa water keeps the pH from rising but also requires an adjustment to TA and therefore has an effect on the LSI calculation too.
We have determined the exact affect borate and CYA will have on LSI calculations and built in the mathematical adjustments to the NPC LSI Calc App.
The goal mathematically is to have an LSI of near 0.00 but any value from –0.30 to + 0.50 is either Acceptable or Ideal. Positive values show increasing tendencies for forming scale and values more than +0.50 indicate scaling water conditions that require action. Negative values show increasing tendencies for being corrosive or aggressive and values greater than –0.30 indicate corrosive water that requires action.
We do not recommend which water conditions to change or chemical amounts to adjust the water balance or LSI. Which condition to adjust is best accomplished by the service tech, pool owner or pool store. There may be reasons that one condition or another cannot be changed or perhaps a condition is easier to change than another. But you can input new amounts for any condition to see what affect it will have on LSI.
Results can be saved and reviewed. The number of records saved is only limited by your phone’s memory. It is easy to delete of records.
Pool Chem Dose Calculator is a pool calculator that will calculate the exact chemical dose needed for 38 chemicals in 11 categories for any size pool in US Imperial or Metric measures.
To use it you enter the pool volume in gallons or liters, choose US Imperial or Metric, select which item you want to change from the drop down list and then enter the desired change in ppm or mg/l. Pool Chem Dose Calculator then lists all of the chemicals that can be used for that item change and the doses for each one.
Pool Chemical Dose Calculator is a pool calculator that will calculate the exact chemical dose needed for 38 chemicals in 11 categories for any size pool in US Imperial or Metric measures. To use it you enter the pool volume in gallons or liters, choose US Imperial or Metric, select which item you want to change from the drop down list and then enter the desired change in ppm or mg/l. Pool Chem Dose Calculator then lists all of the chemicals that can be used for that item change and the doses for each one.
No brand names, no sales just the exact dose of the chemical you want to use by chemical name. Use it to find out how much chemical to add to make a correction or increase or decrease a condition.
For example, if you want to Increase Chlorine by 3 ppm in a 14,750 gallon pool, enter 14750, select US Imperial, select Increase Chlorine from the drop down menu and enter 3.0 in ppm. Instantly see the amounts needed to get 3.0 ppm chlorine in that pool for 15 types of chlorine. Makes it easy to compare and see which might be cheaper to use or make a substitution.
You can also use the Pool Chem Dose Calculator to figure out the change to a water condition if you add an amount of chemical. For instance suppose you have a 15,000 gallon pool and you want to know how much the free chlorine will increase if you add a gallon of 10% liquid chlorine. No problem, just enter the pool volume, select US Imperial, select Increase Chlorine and then enter an amount for ppm. Keep changing the ppm up or down until the dose amount for Chlorine 10% gets near 128 fl oz or 4 qts.
The Pool Drain Percent Calculator is used to determine the percent or fraction of water to be drained to reach a Target for a specific condition in the water.
The problem is this. A condition in the pool is too high and you need to drain some water. However, the make up or source water also has some level or concentration of that condition in it. How do you figure out how much to drain from the pool and end up with the desired Target?
Using the Pool Drain Percent Calculator, you enter the condition in the pool water, then enter the Target or Desired level in the water and finally, enter the level or concentration of the condition in the source or make up water.
Example #1
Pool has 600 ppm Calcium Hardness. Target for Calcium Hardness in the pool water is 350 ppm. Source or make up water has 150 ppm calcium hardness.
In cell Condition in Pool enter 600
In cell Target Condition enter 350
In cell Condition in Source enter 150
Read Drain 55% in Amount to Drain. This is the percentage of the average depth that should be drained and refilled with source water to achieve the Target of 350 ppm calcium hardness.
Example #2
Pool has 420 ppm CYA (cyanuric acid). Target for CYA in pool water is 50 ppm. Source or make up water has 0 (zero) CYA.
In cell Condition in Pool enter 420
In cell Target Condition enter 50
In cell Condition in Source enter 0
Read Drain 88% in Amount to Drain. This is the percentage of the average depth that should be drained and refilled with source water to achieve the Target of 50 ppm CYA.
The Borate Pool Start Up Calculator was developed by expert chemist, Robert Lowry primarily for professional service technicians for starting up a new plaster, quartz, exposed aggregate, pebble, or cementitious pool surface, but can be used for any pool surface including vinyl, fiberglass, acrylic, polyethylene, or stainless steel.
The Borate Pool Startup Calculator is a step-by-step, 7-day procedure for starting up a new pool or a recently remodeled pool that calculates a chemical dose for each of the steps for each day based on water pool volume, water tests made each day before chemicals are added and compared to Target values. Exact chemical doses are given. It also provides a record of all chemicals used, amounts added, the order of addition, and date of completion for future reference.
A comprehensive list of information called Getting Ready begins the process of Start Up. It has suggestions, preparation and pool filling recommendations, and other tips.
Source water is tested before beginning and results entered into the app. Recommendations are made for metal removal, using a pre-filter, a metal removal bag, or a sequestering agent.
DAYS 1-3
Each day begins with water testing and recording results in the app. The Borate Pool Start Up Calculator then analyzes those results and prescribes an exact amount of each chemical to be added for that day, step by step. It also has reminders that the surface should be brushed twice each day. The critical part of the start up is complete with Day 3.
Borate is added on Day 1 to help prevent the pH from going very high and to prevent algae but not kill it (algaestat). Borate remains in the water helping to prevent the pH from going up and keeping algae from getting started.
Calcium level: Day 1, check calcium, and make sure it is at least 150 ppm, add calcium increaser if necessary. On Day 2, calcium hardness is increased to 200 ppm unless it is already above 200 ppm. Day 3, calcium hardness is increased to 250 ppm.
CYA and chlorine are added on Day 3.
Days 4-7
Service techs and others using the Borate Pool Start Up Calculator open the record for that customer for that Day to continue the process until completed. Days 4-7 has user input for water conditions and calculates the Langelier Saturation Index for those test results. The app does not make recommendations for chemical additions on days 4 through 7. The critical part of Borate Pool Start Up is complete with the end of Day 3. Days 4-7 should only require minor adjustments to pH, alkalinity, and free chlorine which can best be accomplished using the Pool Acid Dose Calc or the Pool Chemical Dose Calculator. When the Steps are completed and the information for Days 4-7 has been entered, records are saved to the phone or device memory. Records can be searched for by date, customer name, or service tech and reviewed. Records can also be downloaded or emailed.
Days 8-28 are on one screen
Targets are given for all water conditions or parameters.
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